Prof. Dr. Achim Stahl
Prof. Dr. Achim Stahl has been serving as a Chair of III. Physicalisches Institut B at RWTH Aachen University since 2004. He is PI of the CMS group, the institute’s largest project and is involved in some of the neutrino projects.
From 2001 to 2004 Prof. Stahl was leading scientist and head of TESLA research group at DESY-Zauthen.
Prof. Stahl obtained his degrees at the Universities of Tübingen and Heidelberg.
He is founding member and current director of JARA (Jülich Aachen Research Alliance) section FAME focusing on CP-violation and the matter-antimatter asymmetry in the universe.
In 2013 Prof. Stahl was awarded the title distinguished professor at the RWTH Aachen University.
Prof. Stahl is a member of the national committee of astropartical physics and a member of the executive boards of the JUNO experiment and the Einstein Telescope. He is one of the two national coordinators of the Einstein Telescope. He is a member of the international advisory committee of the International Workshop on tau-Lepton Physics and chair of the international advisory committee of the Symposium on Physics in Collisions.
Achim Stahl is the author/coauthor of approximately 1400 refereed publications leading to an h-index of currently 116.
Prof. Stahl’s research interests include: Neutrino Physics: mass hierarchy and CP-violation with DoubleChooz, T2K and JUNO, gravitational waves with the Einstein Telescope, and Medical Physics: radiation therapy, GEANT4 simulations, measurements of nuclear cross sections, treatment planning for movable tumors.