Gregor Berz is Germany’s leading expert in applying game theory to real business challenges, enterprise strategy and entrepreneurial management. Gregor is founder of the Institute for Applied Mechanism Design IFAMD GmbH, a consultancy focusing since 2006 on market design and industrial goods marketing on both the sales and the procurement side. Main clients of IFAMD are global groups in automotive industry, manufacturing, transportation, tools, electronics, trading, steel, chemistry etc.
Besides being author, e.g. of “Game Theory Bargaining and Auction Strategies” (Palgrave Macmillan; German: Spieltheoretische Verhandlungs-‐und Auktionsstrategien, Schäffer Poeschel), Gregor publishes regularly game theoretical essays as “market commentaries” on This is with a main focus on all aspects of competition, characteristics of markets that reduce or enhance competition, and marketing strategies to manipulate markets accordingly.
Complementary, Gregor is CEO of the Fraunhofer Spin-‐off Processbench GmbH, offering the leading software solution for price regression analysis in commercial applications – also known as “Multidimensional Linear Performance Pricing”. Being responsible for Processbench since 2013, Gregor also became an expert for value engineering and cost structure analysis.
Before becoming an entrepreneur of his own, Gregor was a consultant at several recognised consultant companies, including Arthur Andersen and Arthur D. Little. Gregor holds a PhD in algebraic number theory from University of Augsburg, Germany since his age of 26. His mathematical research interest was in representation theory of finite groups.